You push Emily past you, putting yourself between her and the advancing animals.
"Go!" you shout. "Get to the town! I'll buy you the time!"
She sees what you mean to do. She looks thrown by it. "You're doing this?"
"Yeah. Why, is that strange?"
"Kinda. Everyone always says you're a selfish asshole."
"They do?"
"Wow... I didn't know that." Then you put on a face you imagine Bruce Willis might use in a moment like this. "Well, sooner or later, every man comes to a moment that defines him, and for me, this is that--AH, FUCK!!"
One of the zombie dogs has lunged forward and bitten your hand off. You scream like a little girl as the rest of the animals drag you down and tear into you, while Emily runs her ass off for the far side of the bridge, and the distant lights of the town.
Oh well. Your last thought is that at least she'll be okay. Once she reaches the town, she'll be totally safe. Nothing fucked up could be going on there, you're sure.