"I have an idea," you say.

"What is it?" Emily says.

"Take my hand."

Terrified but somehow still trusting you, even after the fuel thing, she takes your hand. You immediately pivot and hurl her into the pack of animals. She shrieks in terror and agony as they tear into her. But, as expected, the commotion blocks the bridge. You haul ass out of there.

Once on the far side, you run and don't look back. You sprint for miles, and at last you climb a rise with the town just on the other side. The ghostly light fills the sky. Almost like the light of flame. And there's a smell. Sweet but disturbing in some way. A barbecue of some kind.

You crest the rise and get a look at the "town." And then you literally take a shit in your pants.

It's not a town. It's a massive colony of zombies... and they're roasting human bodies over open flames, some of them still alive and kicking as they rotate on the spits.

Then powerful hands grab you from behind, and a pair of zombies drag you screaming down into the colony.

"Got sick of raw meat, we did," one of them croaks. "Besides, cooked human tastes just like chicken..."

Minutes later you're impaled and rotating over the flames, lathered up with K.C. Masterpiece BBQ Sauce. This is the second-worst ending in the entire story.