Screw the skateboards. You vault out the window and go after Tanner on foot. He races down the driveway and then along the street. You sprint after him, and find within seconds that you're gaining on him. Wow, skateboards are kind of a shit way to run from someone.

Traffic is veering wildly past the kid as he skates. Panicked citizens fleeing the zombie hordes.

Then a minivan brakes hard and swerves, just missing Tanner, and another van T-bones it at fifty miles per hour. The collision blocks your pursuit of the kid... but you no longer care.

Because now there are about a dozen bodies, all ages, lying scattered and injured where they were thrown from the vehicles. And you've got them all to yourself. Oh man, for a zombie, how much cooler does it get?

You rush toward the bodies, meaning to tear them apart in a frenzy. But then you feel the tug of a strange emotion: the age-old zombie obligation to turn at least some percentage of your victims into fellow zombies. One-in-three is a decent rule of thumb. Hmm. Boy, you'd really love to just tear into them all, though. Tough call.
